cuter suction dredger

Dredging and Reclamation projects are carried out using cutter suction dredgers and trailer suction dredgers.
Strict environmental controls and monitoring are observed to comply with environmental authorities.


Some of the company’s full actions are the basic rule for the Bahraini National Assembly, which is a construction masterpiece 
The company has established all stages

The Open sea Company is considered one of the largest offshore construction and contracting companies in the Arabian Gulf and its headquarters are in the Kingdom of Bahrain and its projects extend to all the Arabian Gulf

cuter suction dredger

Dredging and Reclamation projects are carried out using cutter suction dredgers and trailer suction dredgers.
Strict environmental controls and monitoring are observed to comply with environmental authorities.


Some of the company’s full actions are the basic rule for the Bahraini National Assembly, which is a construction masterpiece 
The company has established all stages

The Open sea Company is considered one of the largest offshore construction and contracting companies in the Arabian Gulf and its headquarters are in the Kingdom of Bahrain and its projects extend to all the Arabian Gulf